If you don’t enjoy life and all its goodness, what do you gain?

I always tell people that you know yourself more than what anybody can fathom. It all depends on whether you will like to check and search within.

We all are matured and we know what makes us tick, what makes us happy, what makes us serious, what makes our face a mirror of peace and joy. I would like to make myself an example.

I love music. It speaks to my soul. I love watching fantasy and fictional season films when I am eating.

I love writing. I can write at any time of the day and the night. It gives me purpose and bring peace to my inner self. I love writing poems about life, about nature, about my environment, about my country, because it is my way of sharing my thoughts and pouring out my heart.

I love eating the food I cook by myself. It is exhilarating. No matter how somber my mood is, cooking calms my soul and stills my jumbled thoughts.

I love going to parties, conferences, seminars and weddings. It is a place where I learn new things, meet new people and celebrate with them.

I love to discuss my society with my friends at the setting of the sun as we sit in a shade, enjoying the gentle kiss of the wind.

I love God, because he is a friend, always there for me.
I love being of aid, in any form possible. What about you?
What do you love doing? It is high time you figure it out.
There is goodness found in life.

Enjoy life today, if you don’t, what do you gain?

In God’s love,
©Okunola Peace.